
We should continue to keep Kosovo in our prayers and in our thoughts, for both the ethnic Albanians and the Serbs who are trying to put their lives back together.

"Injustice everywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." -Martin Luther King

1 out of 115 people in the world has been forced into flight.

People flee their homes and countries because they fear being victims of human rights violations.

More than half the world's refugees live in Africa and the Middle East.


Click on the candle for THE BEST site on refugees. A MUST VISIT!!!

Most refugees are women and children.

80 per cent of the world's refugee population live outside Europe and North America.

25 to 30 million people are displaced within their own countries.

2.6 million people require emergency assistance

Many people have to eat leaves and other wild foods as a way to survive.

Most relief centers take several days to walk to. Many die on the way.

Supplying relief centers has been difficult because of the on-going civil war.

Drought and Civil War in Sudan

Click on the above image to learn more about Sudan's famine

World Vision has set up four Emergency Feeding Centers and four Nutritional Centers.

Through the programs above they've helped over 8,000 patients- 6,000 of them children.

In the past 10 months, World Vision has distributed more than 1,000 metric tons of maize, sorghum and pulses to 144,000 people in Tonj county.

World Vision also distributes Survival Kits and seeds for crop growing.